If you are viewing this page you have likely been shown an Ad on a Android / IOS mobile app offering an iPhone for $1.
The Ad is a phishing scam and is NOT distributed or endorsed by Keyway Designs.
Please do not click the Ad, complete the survey, or provide the "$1 iPhone Ad" with any personal or credit information.
If you have already provided your credit card information to the form at the end of the survey, you need to contact your bank and alert them about the situation and pay close attention to your credit card statements.
If you come across the ad again, you can tap the small blue triangle in the corner of the Ad. This will allow you to click "Stop Seeing This Ad" and then report the Ad as "Inappropriate".
If you have any information about how you came across the Ad that you would like to share with us to aid in our investigation, please email [ Admin@KeywayDesigns.com ].